Good News from SLC no
After our last visit with the doctor at Shriner’s we fully expected to be planning for a long-term stay and surgery with Kadence. We were surprised and very happy with the news that we got.
Dr. Heflin, after looking at her scans and consulting with colleagues, determined that the risks that accompany the surgery outweigh any benefit that would be gained. To quote him “…even though the x-rays look ugly, I still want to be backed into a corner before we perform surgery.” He said that while she is growing slowly, she is developing as she should and that her body is compensating for the curvature. She is fully mobile and her lungs are developing normally – our two primary concerns.
So there we have it. She will still see the team at Shriner’s every six months for x-rays and reassessment. While her condition could get worse at any time, he is hopeful that we can wait for several years for surgery..
This is Kadence doing her happy dance for all of us. Well that and the promise from her parents that she can still get the post-operative cat. We are now “in the hunt” as her Papa would say.
We thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts and will continue to update as we get news.
Margaret Hodge
Such a happy girl. Sending love to you all.
That’s great and she looks so happy!! Love you all!